Step 1: How to use the learning system

Streamii Beginner's Guide (Graphical version)

Then you can practice by yourself, and after the practice, arrange for us to have a one-on-one meeting training with you, mainly explaining the use of the system and precautions, and answering the problems you encounter in the practical operation process

Step 2: Operate employee accounts

First, if you don't have 500 fans to start a business, you can come to us to brush up your fans After the blue V is done, the next step is to build the employee account

The specific process can refer to Enterprise Services SOP

Note: After the employee account application is completed While having employees scan their faces to activate it, ask them to modify the account's profile picture, name (unified name, followed by a number for easy management), introduction, and background image Then the employee number can directly authorize private message.

Step 3: Make a video

( Generally, the effect of about fifteen seconds of matrix video will be good ) Refer to popular videos from peers to create Take a look at how to shoot short videos related to your industry, how to shoot, and what to shoot

First, look at how the material *Matrix Video - Filming Material Video [Guide]* We need to shoot more materials because the system randomly selects materials, of course, the more materials, the greater the randomness of the generated video, and the problem of homogenization of the generated video is correspondingly solved ( We shoot our materials, based on 400 materials, you can shoot according to your industry and your situation )  After mastering the shooting of materials, learn how to make popular video

Pay special attention to the copy and the golden sentences in the first two seconds Copywriting can be generated by the system's AI

Step 4: Shooting Checklist

If you need shooting outlines for various industries, you can ask for them in our service group, which has different shooting lists for each industry.